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Lemurian Essence No. 28
See the perfection
in everything!
Nervine support.
Created from the blossom essence of a Lenten rose (Helleborus orientalis),
energy of rock crystal, Snow quartz and Larimar,
the energy of the dark green light pillar of Avalon,
the energy of a life picture by Heinrich Kiefert, 
a special Lemurian creation energy
and the Mantra "OM Purnamadaha Purnamidam".
Application bottle:
Suitable for all chakras and subtle bodies.
Use depending on your current needs,
then always spray once high over your head.
    Stock bottle/concentrate for making aura spray:
To make aura spray, fill any glass bottle, preferably 20 to 100 ml violet glass (mironglass), with spray head (pump sprayer) with 25 % alcohol and 75 % good water and add 3 to 7 drops from your stock bottle, depending on bottle size.